Our fresh Georgia peaches (in season) and pecans are available for online purchase. Georgia. Nearly all peaches grown in Georgia are sold in the wholesale fresh market, with a small percentage sold at roadside markets. The southern region produces about 30 million pounds of peaches annually. They arrive earlier and taste fresher than peaches from other growing regions. Pearson Farm also carries a year-round selection of condiments, gift tins and cookbooks featuring Southern cuisine. To visit Georgia Peach World, the address is 1828 Georgia Highway 57, Townsend, GA 31331. Our Georgia Peaches are in a class of their own. Although Georgia is called the Peach State, it is not the country's leading producer of peaches. As the #1 tourist attraction in Georgia, guests to the state are immediately welcomed by the stand where they can snag peach everything: from peaches themselves to peach bread, peach fritters, peach jam, and more. Peaches When you live and farm the “Peach State,” you better be able to grow some bodacious Georgia peaches — and at Jaemor Farms we are proud to say we do just that! It’s a legend. Georgia Highway 341. We’re here to bring customers the finest peaches this world has to offer – tree ripened, hand-picked peaches delivered within days of being on the tree. Georgia has two commercial peach-growing regions. In 2016, the Georgia peach crop totaled 86.6 million pounds and … Order today! Please note that the 2021 event will not be held in March. Long known as the Peach State, Georgia produces, arguably, the sweetest and tastiest peaches grown anywhere. The central region is the largest with about 1.6 million peach trees and 75 percent of the state's production. Peaches typically ripen from May (in northern Florida and Texas) through June, July and August in the mid-Atlantic, Midwest and New England. Georgia enjoys important production and marketing advantages, primarily its proximity to eastern markets and favorable prices because of early harvests and high-quality fruit production. At The Peach Truck, we spread the joy of fresh peaches in Nashville, across the country on The Peach Truck Tour, and shipped nationwide each summer. August 6-7, 2021. Peaches to the Beaches Yard Sale CLICK HERE. They are susceptible to several damaging disease and insect pests. H Explore. Fresh Georgia peaches are available only 16 weeks each year, from mid-May until August. Peaches are not native to North America; however, many cultivars have been developed for our area, and Georgia has a long history of successful peach production. July dominates as the month for peach production (and festivals) Unlike strawberries, which grow almost anywhere, peaches are grown commercially in half as many states. Home of Georgia's Largest Yard Sale "Peaches to the Beaches" For more information about the . It has been rescheduled for . One must choose the site and the proper cultivar and provide care throughout the year to be successful. Growing peaches and other fruit trees in Georgia and the southeastern United States is challenging. It’s more than a fruit. Prunus persica Peach trees are challenging to grow in the Southeast, even though Georgia is known as the Peach State and the Carolina's produce huge numbers of the fruits each year. Sweet Georgia Peaches.